Using Rich Text in Podio

A very undocumented feature of Podio is the ability to use Rich Text in many fields. The system that Podio implemented is called MarkDown.

We used this for formatting of comments that PodioMail makes on your Podio Items to record email messages and threads.

Pretty much any multi-line field in Podio that does not have the formatting bar allows MarkDown.

Here is a quick reference to what you can do and how to do it:

Bold and Italics

For bold and italics you just use a single or double asterisk:



Headings are easy to do - just use the hash character or multiples thereof to indicate the heading level:

# Heading Level 1
## Heading Level 2
### Heading Level 3


Bulleted Lists are done using the asterisk, and numbered lists with the number followed by a period:

* bulleted item
1. numbered item

Horizontal Lines

To separate content using a horizontal line, use three dashes:



You can easily include images from a local path or a remote URL:

![Alt text](/path/to/img.jpg "Optional title")
![Alt text]( "Optional title")


And you can easily create links:

[example link](


Tables seem to be a funny addition. As far as I can tell, tables are not a standard of MarkDown, but it seems Podio's version of MarkDown does allow them as follows:

Column 1 Heading | Column 2 Heading
----- | -----
Cell Content | Cell Content
Cell Content | Cell Content

Andreasby Andreas Huttenrauch
Owner of Globi Web Solutions, and Podio Fanatic.